My daughter sent me a report on a conversation
she had with Milo last week:
My Daughter: I sent Papa a list
of all the stuff you're going to learn in your computer class up through 5th
Milo: I bet he hated it.
Right Milo.
I hated it.
Here for example, is the 4th
grade computer class (which as it happens is more of less the same as the 3rd
and 5th grade computer class):
4th grade year will look like this:
log-in procedures
The basics -
opening and quitting
management & navigation - Save As + Open: saving a file properly (proper
name, location, etc) and finding the file and opening it up on a different
Basic typing
review - proper way to capitalize, using “Shift” for certain punctuation, 1
space between words, etc
Practice typing
- copying a document
Formatting 1
- margins, when to use the return key, etc
Formatting 2
- Bold, Italic, Underline, etc
Formatting 3
- changing font size & style
formatting - using typed document & changing font style, size, bold, etc
The internet
The basics
of Firefox/Chrome - the buttons, address bar, tools, etc
using Google - what the results mean, pictures, etc
pictures - proper naming and saving procedures
Combining Microsoft Word and the internet
Inserting pictures
found on the internet into a Word document
the picture in Word - size, position, etc
the complete document - text and pictures
Microsoft Powerpoint research project
Basics of
Powerpoint - how to create, format, etc
Creating a
practice Presentation with text, pictures, animations, etc
Using the
internet for research - proper searching techniques, identifying reputable
sites, etc
Taking the
information gathered on the internet and creating a Powerpoint Presentation
conveying what they have learned - text, pictures, animations, etc
This is computer education in the New York City Schools? We could
teach kids to program you know. Or we could teach them to build apps. Or to
create art. Or to build robots. Or
to create a web site. Or to create music. The list could go on and on.
But, you know what Milo learned yesterday? How to create a
Twitter is now part of the curriculum. As far as I can tell kids
have been able to learn to tweet all by themselves (for better or for worse.)
So, we can’t modernize the curriculum because of Common Core and
when we can do something small, like add a computer class, it is to teach stuff
like Powerpoint.
School is getting worse all the time.
Unfortunately, nothing has really changed in the curriculum for computers for a long time, since many people view work on the computers as being only in support of work in other classes.
I have introduced programming at my school (not in NYC) to kindergartners through 8th grade students (minus 7th grade) with some success but I know that when I leave my school that this will likely end - because no one else at my school, not one other teacher, knows any computer programming.
It's worse than that -- where there is good CS education, the city ignores it.
My team and I have put together a great program at Stuyvesant. All we've asked the DOE and school is to recognize us and our program and help us reach more students.
The response?
The silence is deafening.
Wait a second though - are they not learning math, and doesn't mathematics begin teaching non-base-10 numbers? And isn't that the foundation of computer science also? Also basic literacy holds the foundations of text analysis which, is pre-big-data analysis.
To me, it would be just as well to get the foundations of mathematics down pat first - these are the things that will develop coders down the road. Computer languages, standards, encoding, data formats and so on will all be different by the time these kids get to Grade 7 and 7 (which would be a good time to learn real code), they might as well perfect their understanding of functions, data logic and so on (without ever having to call it that).
I see that plagiarism is part of the curriculum---as a "how to" not as an "avoid".
"Inserting pictures found on the internet into a Word document"
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